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mrmcd CTF writeup: Friendly Machine

I recently participated in the MRMCD CTF. My favourite challenge was called “Friendly Machine”.

It consisted of a Python script which reads code from a Base64-encoded JSON-encoded array. The array itself looks something like this:

      "ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah" : "start",
      "Jeicheidahmeichetaik" : "ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah"
      "sebeeluoCaedohlaehoh" : "ZERO",
      "IeCilahWaishaibiemoo" : 0,
      "Jeicheidahmeichetaik" : "ayahshecieleeYeingis"
      "IeCilahWaishaibiemoo" : 0,
      "sebeeluoCaedohlaehoh" : "RES",
      "Jeicheidahmeichetaik" : "ayahshecieleeYeingis"
      "ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah" : "lencheck_start",
      "Jeicheidahmeichetaik" : "ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah"

Hmmm, that kinda looks like variable assignments, labels, etc.? And sure enough, the main friendly machine code has a dictionary for variables and based on the entry in the current position in the code (yes, there are jumps, so it’s not necessarily linear) assignments or operations happen. Our goal is to end up in a position where we return 0, since then the flag is correct.

First I set out to see if I can add some debug output to the execution, but that turned out to be rather confusing than helpful. Static analysis it is, then. I wrote a script to output the code in a more readable form:

i = 0

for i in range(len(code)):
    if code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "bohxudohMeiteipiVaeZ":
        print(code[i]["yuGhoxeebaivaiteifai"] + "=pwbyte")
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "chahghoaThoariaCowoh":
        print("ret " + str(code[i]["shumeesaiXoohigheari"]))
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "ayahshecieleeYeingis":
        print(code[i]["sebeeluoCaedohlaehoh"] + "=" + str(code[i]["IeCilahWaishaibiemoo"]))
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "DaweeyeiZaiceemeitah":
        print(code[i]["iesheiQuiphaipohquei"] + "=" + code[i]["Koobaicahxaexeicohno"] + "+" + code[i]["OhNgaesiequievaijaca"])
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "geethahshiuxiyeitooH":
        print(code[i]["SheixienaigeeSaeHahC"] + "=" + code[i]["looheThedohsouquoogo"] + "-" + code[i]["UaYaDaeciekeemeehein"])
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "uDohngaephaethahngah":
        print(code[i]["ietaiviexuaniequeZie"] +"="+ code[i]["saichuqueiShieRaeYie"] + "^" + code[i]["RahThiefudeimahhohch"])
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "AhkiexaZeishieKohqui":
        print(code[i]["eepuozeeviexoopieMoi"] + "=" + code[i]["aageenuxeLaeBaidoaru"] + "|" + code[i]["PeGoawoowiuthoobaaTh"])
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "riatheihoxooziitahGo":
        print(code[i]["eishaBeiwiYahSiexaem"] + "=" + code[i]["IsichaikuaNeiHahRaiH"] + "&" + code[i]["thuyaecenaethiPochie"])
    elif code[i]["Jeicheidahmeichetaik"] == "ieZieyiechooTeilaexe":
        for equahSohNeohoonohphu in code:
            if equahSohNeohoonohphu.has_key("ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah"):
                if equahSohNeohoonohphu["ZeiteesohpiefeeyuHah"] == code[i]["aNaeNeeyooCeezaiGeeb"]:
                    print("jmp " + str(code.index(equahSohNeohoonohphu)+1) + ' if ' + code[i]["ozeeleephuiGaechaiSh"] + '==0')
    i += 1

This leads to the following “code” (first few lines):

  1	nop
  2	ZERO=0
  3	RES=0
  4	nop
  5	ONE=1
  6	COUNT=0
  7	nop
  8	x=pwbyte
  9	x=x+ONE
 10	jmp 13 if x==0
 12	jmp 7 if ZERO==0
 13	nop
 14	x=28
 15	x=COUNT-x
 16	jmp 21 if x==0
 17	jmp 18 if ZERO==0
 18	nop
 19	o=-1
 20	ret o
 21	nop
 22	ohhayeexongoakaeVuph=0
 23	jmp 24 if ZERO==0
 24	nop

Note that “pwbyte” represents “read a byte from the input and return -1 if we read beyond the string length”. So we read byte by byte and increase COUNT by ONE. Line 14 to 16 show us that our flag needs to be 28 characters long, since otherwise we would return -1.

Let’s continue:

 25	A=pwbyte
 26	B=77
 27	C=A-B
 29	A=pwbyte
 30	B=82
 31	C=A-B
 33	A=pwbyte
 34	B=77
 35	C=A-B

Oh, 77, 82, 77, or M, R, M again. This looks good! And from the equations we can see that our input needs to be exactly these values in order to keep RES (which will be returned at the very end) nicely at 0.

The code continues similarly, but gets a bit more complex:

 49	X=pwbyte
 50	t=7
 51	Y=X-t
 52	t=90
 53	C=Y^t
 55	X=pwbyte
 56	t=15
 57	Y=X-t
 58	t=80
 59	C=Y^t
 79	X=pwbyte
 80	t=999
 81	Y=t-X
 82	t=900
 83	C=Y^t
 85	X=pwbyte
 86	t=1
 87	Y=t+X
 88	t=102
 89	C=Y-t

One could solve all these things algebraically, but luckily for me my “decompiler” outputs syntactically valid Python, so I was lazy and brute-forced each character by looping over possible pwbyte values and checking when RES ended up being 0.

During the CTF I did this manually with a bit of copy-and-paste and running python, but for the sake of “AUTOMATE ALL THE THINGS!!111ELF”, here’s a script that does the same:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

START_CODE = "for pwbyte in range(128):\n\tRES = 0\n"

code = open('code', 'r').readlines()

current_block = START_CODE
# start at line 25, after the length check
for i in range(24, len(code)):
    current_block += "\t" + code[i]
    if 'RES=' in code[i]: # RES gets assigned, we want this to be 0
        current_block += "\tif RES == 0:\n"
        current_block += "\t\tprint(chr(pwbyte), end='')\n"
        sys.stderr.write("Current code block:\n" + current_block)
        exec(current_block) # don't run on untrusted input ;-)
        current_block = START_CODE

Running it gives us the flag:

$ ./ 2>/dev/null